Catholic Evangelization Training Center - Training in the NEW Evangelization Evangelization Training
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  My Witness

Vol. 6, No. 1, January, 2001

From the Editor
Sr. Jan Nattermann, S.N.C.

Sister Jan The Church sees evangelization as bringing the Good News to all people, and through its power transforming humanity from within. To bring about interior change through the acceptance of Jesus Christ and incorporation into His body, the Church, is the purpose of evangelization.

Authentic witness to the love of Jesus Christ for all people must be proclaimed in deed and in word. Christian witness in action calls into question things that are contrary to the gospel and should cause others to question their own way of living. However, proclamation by deed or action is incomplete without explicit proclamation; the Good News must be preached ( Romans 10:17). Two sides of the one task of evangelization are witness of life and explicit proclamation.

As Sisters of the New Covenant whose mission is evangelization and whose desire is to encourage lay Catholics in their responsibility to evangelize, we are taking a more obvious evangelistic thrust in MY WITNESSES. We will present our readers with the challenge of authentic Christian witness. Today the Catholic family is plunged into a world of compromise, confusion, and teachings that "tickle " one's ears, creating lukewarm and wishy-washy attitudes, void of Christian witness. If we are to Christianize a pagan world, authentic witness and explicit proclamation are fundamental to the Christian life and the mission of evangelization.

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