Catholic Evangelization Training Center - Training in the NEW Evangelization Evangelization Training
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  My Witness

Vol. 7, No. 1, January, 2002

From the Editor
Sr. Jan Nattermann, S.N.C.

Sister Jan The parish, as an evangelizing community, is the place of welcome, the place of faith, the place of ecclesial commitment and celebration, the home of the People of God. The parish, as an evangelizing community, first evangelizes before catechizing. The parish, as an evangelizing community is the hub of Catholic life, open to all, living the Gospel so others might see Christ's love in action.

Pope John Paul II said that personal holiness in the Church, is a condition which is absolutely necessary to have an evangelizing Church. Thus the need and role of the Holy Spirit. Gain further insight into the parish as an evangelizing community in Sr. Angeline's section of MY WITNESSES.

In Part II of Sr. Brigid's series on the Holy Spirit, Agent of Evangelization, she helps us meet the Holy Spirit in the bible. As we take time each day to pray and meet with the Spirit, together we can make a difference in our parishes by being salt for others to taste and light for others to see God's love in an evangelizing community.

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