


Training in the NEW Evangelization


The Catholic Evangelization Training Center (CETC), located in the Archdiocese of Denver, was founded in 1983 by the Sisters of the New Covenant, a Private Association of the Christian Faithful.

Evangelization, spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ, is a new challenge for our Catholic people today. The CETC is a valiant attempt to help you meet this challenge. Its purpose is twofold:

  1. To facilitate personal conversion.
  2. To equip individual Catholic men and women with a practical "knowhow" approach to evangelization with an emphasis on one-to-one relationships.

It is out of the deep conviction that each of us can only give what we ourselves have, that the CETC has taken a particular approach in its training for the NEW evangelization.

What our Catholic people need is a deep personal relationship with Jesus and the desire and ability to share him with others. For our people to be evangelizers, they need to deepen their relationship with the Lord and their life in the Spirit.

From the Bible, we see the Master's plan and strategy.

First, He selected a few.
  • developed friendship with them,
  • evangelized them,
  • trained them,
  • sent them out, and then
  • supervised them.
  • He entrusted to them the mission that He Himself had undertaken, and then empowered them to carry it out effectively through the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:5, 8).

ACTS II: Conversion, Proclamation, Community is an attempt to do the same.

How Will You Participate in the Mission of Evangelization?

By discovering.

  • the richness of the Good News of Jesus Christ and personal conversion.
By learning how.
  • to give the Gospel Proclamation.
  • to express your own personal witness to the Lord Jesus simply and directly.
  • to minister to all who are in need of evangelization: your family, friends, strangers, the alienated/inactive Catholic, the unchurched.

For one year, participants receive training in: effective evangelization; the Word of God; Sacramental life; Church teachings; how to work in humility and spiritual freedom; docility and reliance on the Holy Spirit; authentic lifestyle; outreach to the Unchurched and Alienated/Inactive; how to build small Christian communities; how to pray over the Scriptures; how to lead a person to Christ and how to intercede for others.

The NEW Evangelization training addresses a number of topics some of which are: acquiring the tools and skills of how to share one's faith based on the Scriptures; how to talk about Jesus without turning people off and doing this in accord with the Catholic tradition; how we, as Catholics, approach the Scriptures, how the Bible came to be, and much more; giving and receiving support, encouragement and nurturing within the small groups that form within the NEW Evangelization training; growing in one's relationship with the Lord as one progresses in the training; studying some of the Church documents and the R.C.I.A.


For many years the ACTS II Evangelization Training Process has been applied only in a setting of personalized training face to face, directed by a trainer in front of several persons, given on a regular time schedule, at a predetermed place. Of course, this type of training, done face to face, is very effective but also limited in participants and trainers.

It is our hope that we may bring the ACTS II Process to a wider audience through the World Wide Web and therefore better achieve our goals.

We have learned much in preparing our materials for presentation on the Intenet. We are relatively certain we have not gotten everything right. We will rely on our online trainers and trainees to help us with making the online version of the ACTS II Process a successful and reliable resource for all peoples everywhere.

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