By Bobbie Patton Five years ago I struggled with deep emptiness, frustration and many questions. This experience brought me to a point of anger, hatred, resentment, loneliness, bitterness and finally reached a crisis point At this time, a dear friend shared with me her experience of Jesus' love and forgiveness which led me to turn all my troubles over to him As a result, I found myself experiencing a deep peace and hope in Jesus who was now becoming more real in my life. After two years of walking with Jesus in prayer and scriptural meditation, I was led to take the Evangelistic Training Program given by the Sisters of the New Covenant, and found myself growing in ways of the Spirit. Then I took the Life in the Spirit Seminar and grew in my love for Scripture and discovered how much more I needed to turn my life over to Jesus. I committed myself to spend more time with the Scriptures and to read books on how to grow in the Lord. This proved very rewarding because, in the midst of many struggles to remain faithful to this commitment, my peace, love and joy increased. Each day I was more aware of the Lord's presence in everyone and everything around me, in the eyes of my children, husband, neighbors and friends. I discovered that it is the forgiveness we extend to one another that binds us together in love. The Lord put into my heart a desire to be with those of my Catholic faith. The Immaculate Heart of Mary Evangelistic Prayer Community was the answer to this desire. Here I was able to share a deep part of myself with others who became in a real sense 'my brothers and sisters'. In committing myself to a ministry within this prayer community, I not only gave of myself but was deeply touched by others. Because of my commitment to Jesus and the time I give to His work daily, my life has come into greater unity, purpose, value and mostly greater love and hope. In giving myself over to helping the Sisters of the New Covenant, I have learned so much from their witness of who Jesus really is in our world. Because a friend cared enough to share her experience of Jesus with me, I came to know him in a personal way and to answer the call he extends to each of us, to let him be Lord of our lives. Now my family is coming to know Jesus in this way. What a tremendous blessing.