These stories are from real life people who have experienced the joy of Christ through the Catholic Evangelization Training Center. Read their testimonies and learn how you too can find a new, living, and vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ. |
Beatrice - Live every day and have faith in yourself - A cancer patient's battle strengthened her spirit and enriched those around her. |
Carol - I knew about God in my childhood and teenage years but never understood the meaning of Jesus dying on the cross for me, His infinite love for me. |
Dennis - As I grew up and went to college, I felt that I would live the life of a saint. Then, God would really be pleased with me. I would do it. Pride is a terrible thing. I did not realize that it was only through Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit that I could do anything good. As a result, I fell flat on my face. Frustrated and discouraged, I knew that I would never become a saint. What was the use? I drifted away from the Church. |
Bob - Why did coming to know Jesus, in a personal way, prove to be such a challenge for me? As a boy l had learned to believe and as a mature, married man with 3 children, I had lived out: "Grab hold of life by the throat and be a man; be in control; be strong." But Jesus says: "My power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Cor. 12:9). |
Sr. Jan - The Lord has done great things for me and holy is His name, although I didn't recognize Him or His action in my life until I was 24. Before that time, I did not know the Lord Jesus in an alive, personal way. I just expected great things to be done for me. ...Carefree and easy is the way life was meant to be. Life owed me, God owed me, my parents owed me. |
Ken - Right after high school I joined the Navy and lived my life thinking only of what I wanted. I was not leading too good a life. Jesus was not the Person I followed. However, He knew what I needed to become His follower. |
Lance - As I grew older I became influenced by my friends. Any free time between classes was spent drinking beer. Soon it became an everyday thing. And then came the drugs. The more I gave in to drink and dope, the more I began to lose my personality. Hate and anger filled my life. I didn't respect anyone, especially myself. Finally that point in my life came where I was very empty and sad. My life had become meaningless. Troubles arose between my girlfriend and me. |
Berlinda - By the time I was 21 I was desperately in need of the Lord in my life. I had come to the mistaken idea that. because of my sins. God no longer loved me and I had no right to go to church or even to pray, much less to ask Him for anything. Another 12 years of life passed before I found out this way of thinking was wrong. I was married and had two children by now. When my son was four years old I realized that I needed to teach him about God. With that came the horrifying realization that I didn't know God myself. What was I going to teach my children? |
Maureen - Most of my activities were carefully supervised and well guided right up through high school, so I had little opportunity to test my spiritual and moral strength against the temptations of the world. Because I was not without sin, weekly confession was a must. Then I fell in love and met the biggest temptation of my 18 years. Realizing my need for help, I sought help in the confessional, and what I experienced there was rejection and condemnation. I walked away from the church. From now on it was going to be just God and me. |
Dick - In the fall of 1973 my wife Rita and I heard about prayer meetings, but I felt no need for them. After all, wasn't I doing what was required to get to heaven? Why I attended that first prayer meeting is beyond me, except that I promised my brother in law I would go. After going a couple of times, I began to realize something was missing in my life. I had been living a varnished religious life, and I needed to get under that glossed over exterior and acknowledge how dependent I was on God. |
Josie - In 1966 my father died and three years later so did my mother. Because of her death I thought my world had ended. Who was I to live for? Who really cared for me? All I am, and all I ever hope to be I owe to my mother. And now she was gone. Although I had my husband and children I felt very alone. |
Omar - During the first few years of our marriage I spent all of my time either working or drinking with my friends. After several years of this way of living I began to feel spiritually empty. I felt a necessity to know the Lord, to find a purpose for my life and so I began to search. Jesus says, "Repent, the kingdom of God is at hand" (Matthew 3:2). |
Rita - I lived over forty years taking, receiving, grumbling, fearing, vacillating, and taking my blessings for granted. I enjoyed life but never really took time to thank God for the "coincidences" in my life. I remember being uncomfortable at Mass when the gospels mentioned "now you have new life" and wondering how to get it! |
Jeanne - "I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Jesus Christ my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them but rubbish in order that I may gain Christ." Phil.3:8 N.A.S. This scripture verse became very real to me eight years ago when I questioned: do I "know" Jesus Christ in this way? Even after being raised in a beautiful Catholic home, educated in Catholic schools, and attending the sacraments regularly, I still questioned. |
Steve - As I look back over my childhood and young adult years, I now realize that my parents expected the Catholic school system to teach me in five or six hours each day how to be "Christ-centered," when in reality, they should have, through their own lives as Catholics, set the example. |
Susan - Five years ago I sat in a friend's living room, drinking tea and telling her I didn't know why I was Catholic. I had stopped going to Mass because I didn't know WHY I was doing it. I had felt like a hypocrite going to church because the reason I went was in case I saw my Mom that particular Sunday, I'd be able to say I had gone. Eventually that didn't matter any more either. I walked into church with a dead, dry feeling and walked out the same way. so why go? |
Bobbie - Five years ago I struggled with deep emptiness, frustration and many questions. This experience brought me to a point of anger, hatred, resentment,loneliness, bitterness and finally reached a crisis point. At this time, a dear friend shared with me her experience of Jesus' love and forgiveness which led me to turn all my troubles over to him As a result, I found myself experiencing a deep peace and hope in Jesus who was now becoming more real in my life. |
Shelly - Through junior high and high school, although the seed was planted in me as a child, I began to drift away from the Lord, going only to Mass on Sundays and receiving Communion then, but that was it. I had fulfilled my duty for the week. Routinely, I prayed before meals and at bedtime. Growing up, working, going out, and dating was all I had time for. In April, 1983, I began going to prayer meetings and learned there that I could actually have a personal relationship with the Lord, that I could have Him as Leader through all my daily activities, "a Friend." Jesus was way up there, so I thought before, but never right next to me. |