By Jeanne Bowes "I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Jesus Christ my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them but rubbish in order that I may gain Christ." Phil.3:8 N.A.S. This scripture verse became very real to me eight years ago when I questioned: do I "know" Jesus Christ in this way? Even after being raised in a beautiful Catholic home, educated in Catholic schools, and attending the sacraments regularly, I still questioned. I asked Jesus to teach me about this special kind of "knowing", which is different than "knowing about" Him. I began to realize my questioning was from an inner dissatisfaction with the kind of relationship I had with the Lord. But how could I acquire this intimate "knowing" of Him? The Lord answered my prayer. I suddenly began realizing how much He loved me. I had known for a long time that He loved me, and that I loved Him. Now I realized that He loved me just as I was, and that He loved me too much to leave me that way I became aware that the Holy Spirit was given to me to enable me to live out my baptismal and confirmation commitment. I could not do it on my own through good works or striving. I was to die to self and yield to the Holy Spirit who would work in me and change me. Through daily reading and meditating of scripture, a weekly bible study, frequent attendance at the Eucharist, and beautiful Christian fellowship, I have experienced the depth, height, length and breadth of the love of Jesus. I now realize that He is part of every situation or relationship that I have. He is inside me directing and guiding my life. This relationship has grown even deeper in the past three years since I have been a part of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Evangelistic Prayer Community and experienced the fellowship and love of my brothers and sisters in Christ. The ministry of the Sisters, which is evangelization, and my association with them, is another tool which the Lord is using to allow me to know Him in a more intimate way, by experiencing their love (His love through them). I know that "I am not perfect, I have not learned all that I should even yet, but I am moving toward that day when I will be all that Christ saved me for and wants me to be." Phil. 3:13 L.B. Love to you all in the name of our Lord & Savior, Christ Jesus,