Vol. 2, No. 2, April, 1997
My Tribute to Jesus and His LoveBy Dennis Thuis
My early life was blessed with a very good religious, Catholic family. I was taught what to do and what not to do, and encouraged to frequent the sacraments. But I did not experience the love or closeness of Jesus. Jesus was my teacher and I must learn from Him. Jesus died for me and I must be grateful.
As I grew up and went to college, I felt that I would live the life of a saint. Then, God would really be pleased with me. I would do it. Pride is a terrible thing. I did not realize that it was only through Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit that I could do anything good. As a result, I fell flat on my face. Frustrated and discouraged, I knew that I would never become a saint. What was the use? I drifted away from the Church.
But God works in His own way and time to bring us to Him. He is patient and forgiving. After marrying and settling down, my wife's prayers and influence brought me back to the sacraments. I was still only a Sunday Catholic with a weak faith and a so-so morality. But God continually worked on me . Through dissatisfaction with my own life and lack of purpose, I finally opened up to Jesus. I answered His call to make the Parish Renewal weekend. My life changed!
I began to realize that God loved me with such an infinite love, a love I did not deserve. Christ, the Son of God, even died on the cross to right my wrongs and reconcile me to the Father, a deed of love I certainly had not earned. I was overwhelmed with God's love for me. I realized that I was totally dependent on Him, not only for my existence, but for every ability that I possessed. All were gifts freely given from God's love.
I was told that the Evangelistic Prayer Community was a means of growing in the knowledge and love of God. I was skeptical at first but these times of prayerful praise of God were not in vain. God blessed me with greater knowledge and love for Him. I eagerly accepted courses on Evangelisitic Training, Scripture, Life in the Spirit and Growth in the Spirit Seminars.
During this time of thirsting for the Lord, I was prayed over for the release of the Holy Spirit more fully in my life. What a beautiful experience of the love and nearness of God. I thirsted for more knowledge of my Creator, and sought Him out in the Scriptures and in the sacraments, especially daily attendance at the Eucharist.
His greatness and love, my weakness and need, add up to dependence on God just as a child depends on his/her parents. As Christ said, "I assure you, unless you change and become like little children, you will not enter the Kingdom of God" (Mt. 1 8:3). We are all children of God and call God, "Father. " This realization, together with the fact that we are all members of the Body of Christ, made me want to love and serve others as Jesus did. This I am striving to do through His power.
Praise be to Jesus Christ and all His servants, through whom I have come to live in His love-a real joyful Kingdom of God here on earth!