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  My Witness

Vol. 12, No. 2, April, 2007

From the Editor
Sr. Jan Nattermann, S.N.C.

Sister Jan "A little while, and you will see me no more; again a little while, and you will see me." (John 16:16).

I'm sure the disciples wondered what this meant. Can you imagine the fear, hopelessness and doubt they must have been feeling after the crucifixion? Being caught up in their feelings and thoughts they had forgotten the word that on the third day He would rise again. They had forgotten that it a little while they would see Him again.

Even though the disciples were anxious and full of despair, God was at work. He had a plan to accomplish something in them during this little while of waiting to see Him again. After all, He had promised that they would see Him again. Jesus wanted them, during this time of waiting, to stand firm upon the promise that they should see Him again. He wanted them to live in faith. He was allowing trust and faith to grow in the hearts of the disciples.

Do you ever experience 'little whiles' in your life, time when you wonder if God is really there? It is those precise moments when we too have to hang on by faith until He comes again. How do we enter into these times of waiting? Do we sense the meaning and purpose of these times, or do we just grumble and suffer through them?

In verse 22, Jesus tells us the goal of this time of waiting: "So you have sorrow now, but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you." God's purpose then is to lead us to such joy.

Try to call to mind during times of waiting that GOD IS AT WORK. It may not look like it; it may not feel like it. But the Bible assures us that He is at work. To live through these 'little whiles' we need three things: knowledge, trust and persistence. First, knowing that God does have a plan to give us a future and a hope, that He is doing something. Secondly, we have to trust in God's word. And third, we have to persevere in holding firm to the Word of God.

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