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  My Witness

Vol. 12, No. 4, November, 2007

From the Editor
Sr. Jan Nattermann, S.N.C.

Sister Jan In the July issue I looked at KNOWLEDGE as the first of three helps in order to live through a time of waiting.

The second help to look at is TRUST -- TRUST in order to live through those "little whiles", that time of waiting.

In time of waiting God frustrates our own efforts to the point where we have no choice but to turn to Him. You must commit yourself to God's plan.

When you have knowledge of God's Word, of God's plan, promises and purpose, then you can trust that He is working out a plan just for you.

Knowing, even in the midst of pain and humiliation, that you are in God's plan, you are able to endure. Through trust, life comes out of death. In the midst of his suffering Jesus offered up prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears to his Father. When the Father seemed to have deserted Jesus on the Cross, Jesus cried out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

It surely seemed like such a foolish plan: the lamb led to the slaughter, raising others from the dead but not raising Himself from such pain, sinless but taking on the sins of the world. And yet He trusted. It is that Lamb who had been slain, who lives.

You must have knowledge to live out a time of "waiting" when God is working out His plans in your life. You must trust His Word and commit to it. And then you need to persevere, the topic of our next issue in January.

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