Catholic Evangelization Training Center - Training in the NEW Evangelization Evangelization Training
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  My Witness

Vol. 14, No. 2, April, 2009

From the Editor
Sr. Jan Nattermann, S.N.C.

Sister Jan You can think God's thoughts, and feel His emotions, and still just be an observer--not getting the job done. The third key to answered prayer is: DESIRE GOD'S PLAN. This involves a commitment on your part. This third key to answered prayer is where God's thoughts and His feelings become your personal concern because now you want what God wants.

Desire for God's plan grows within us only as we free up our hearts, letting go of our desire for some other plan. The Lord has a plan for your life, Sr. Brigid talks about in this issue of MY WITNESSES.

Many of our prayers go unanswered because we try to obey and serve God without really desiring His plan. We feel an obligation to God and so we give, but just "a little". Once we've done our duty, we can go back to the thing we really desire, our own plan and living life the way we want to. We need to pray for a desire for His plan (if we don't have it). Sometimes it takes our getting down to nothing that we begin to desire His plan with passion, with our heart and soul.

To desire God's plan requires sacrifice of anything that stands in the way of that plan. That is why this third key may be difficult--it may require "letting go" of my plans to allow His plan to consume my thoughts and emotions.

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